What is bomgar jump client
What is bomgar jump client

what is bomgar jump client

If anyone runs into this and is curious how I handled the uninstall using the PSADT, this is how I did it. Opening it reveals that the bat executes the bomgar-scc.exe from the very same folder with these parameters: -uninstall silentThat does the trick. In that folder, there is a uninstall.bat. NOTE: the installDir changes after every reinstall for some stupid reason, it's never the same. Looking in the registry with a powershell command (Get-InstalledApplication "jump client"), this command is from the PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit, you can get the install Location for the Jump client. On the vendor's website there is no information about a silent uninstall, only install. Start uninstall.The vendor offers an MSI for this, but you might have a case where you need to achieve something and you need the EXE for that (2 jump groups for instance - the MSI is unable to do that).įound this post, however, this doesn't work, or no longer works. And then go back and look for more folders until it can't find anymore and then go to exit.Ĭd %programdata%\bomgar-scc* || IF ERRORLEVEL not = 0 GOTO END I wanted to write a script to mass deploy that will start that batch file on each computer but I am having problems.īasically I want it to search for the folder with a wild card, if it finds it CD to that directory and then try to run the uninstall, if it can't find the uninstall, continue through to deleting the folder as it is an old shell folder. So you have random folders that may or may not be the one that contains the uninstall.bat batch file that I need to run. Problem is, you can also install a dissolvable client in the moment if needed and everytime the dissolvable client installs, it doesn't clean up after itself. There is a batch file built into the program stored at %ProgramData%\ClientNameRandomNumbers. WMIC uninstaller doesn't work, msiexec uninstaller doesn't work. Problem is, I cant mass deploy the updated jump client because the previous version has to be uninstalled first.

what is bomgar jump client

When I upgrade the appliance that the jump client talks to it starts an in place upgrade but if there are computers off or off the network obviously the upgrade times out. I have a really messy program in my environment that basically has a jump client on over 7000 machines in my environment.

What is bomgar jump client